27 April 2007

April training and sponsorship update

Early morning rides and light nights has made it much easier to fit in the training.

My training is progressing well and I am now doing rides of 70-80 miles on the weekend, with shorter rides during the week where I focus on developing power. This is done by repeating hill climbs - I have a few good hills near our home that take about 8 minutes to climb with a 10%- incline - once at the top I turn around, descend to the bottom and repeat the climb 4 -5times. Boy does it hurt!

Another weekly session is a ride of 90-100 minutes between 80 - 89% of my maximum heart rate (152-169 bpm). This is done in the big chain ring at a cadence of 75-85 rpm with the aim of keeping the tension consistent on the pedals - even down hill. This replicates the effort it takes to climb a 2000 metre mountain in the Pyrenees! No pain, something I am getting used to.

My family are being increadibly supportive with the amount of time I am spending on the bike, particularly at the weekend; I am a lucky man. Sponsors are being very generous with Wiley-Blackwell the medical publishing company donating £500! Thanks Brendan Haughy.

As Lance Armstrong said - 'pain is temporary, quiting last forever'.

Time for another ride . . . . . .

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MIssy Swift said...
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